Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Akashic Records and where do they come from? Who are you talking to when you channel?

The Akashic Records are a complete vibrational history of every thought, experience, emotion, and interaction of every soul that has ever existed. Think of them as a metaphysical library. I like to call it, “the iCloud of your Soul.” Some people believe that when you experience deja vu, you are momentarily accessing your Akashic Records in a different timeline.

Every person has a soul and so every person has an Akashic Record. Every single person can access their Akashic Record, too. The Akashic Records are so delicate that every single thought, every emotion, and everything that your soul has ever experienced, in this and every other life, has been imprinted into your Record.

The Akashic Records exist physically and vibrationally in the Pleiades. The Pleiades are a cluster of stars located 444.2 light years from Earth in the constellation of Taurus. Often referred to as “The Seven Sisters,” this is the physical location of the Akashic Records. The energies I channel are the highest vibration and consciousness of Pleiadean energy and they are called The Pinnacle.

The Pinnacle are like the gatekeepers or librarians of the Akashic Records. They approve what information is shared, who it’s shared with, and how it’s delivered. The Pinnacle will bring forward whoever and whatever can support the reading. (This is the case whether I’m reading my own Records or a client’s.) Of the many energies that can come forward, the ones I have seen and received in my own and past clients’ Records are the Highest Self, the Highest Self of others, animals, angels, ancestors/loved ones, ascended masters (like Jesus or Ganesh), and other light beings from the stars.

What kind of questions can I ask?

You can ask just about anything! There is a great list of sample questions further down the page if you need inspiration to get started. A great question to open a reading with is, “What do I need to know right now?” ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
However, I want to share a few things:

  1. I can’t read for anyone but you. The information provided is about you and from your Highest Self only. If you’re curious about your husband, sister, friends, etc., all we can ask about are the lessons you are here to learn from them and how you can best support them. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

  2. The Pinnacle will not give “yes/no” answers. One of your gifts as a human is free will. They won’t tell you what to do. They will provide options, guidance, and advice but they won’t tell you what to do.

The Pinnacle also won’t provide a timeline of what will happen and when. They will provide scenarios, advice, and opportunities for you to gain clarity from the wisdom they share but ultimately it is up to you to make your decisions. ⠀

How do you “read” the Akashic Records?

I recite a very specific and intentional prayer that creates an energetic pathway into the Akashic Records. Each line of the prayer gently lifts the energy higher and higher, which opens the channel. You can actually feel it happening. When the vibrations align, then the information starts to flow. It can come through as visions, colors, smells, feelings, or thoughts. It depends on the experience that I’m accessing at that moment. It is usually a very emotional experience. In rare circumstances, I can actually feel in my body what happened to you at the time of a particular incident. For example - if you ask about the reason behind a certain car accident you had when you were younger, I will probably feel all the sensations you felt then, too. When I tap into that moment in time, it may feel like I’m reliving it as you. It can be intense, but also very healing.

Can Akashic Records tell one’s future?

We can ask predictive questions, but because we all have free will, the future is about 80/20. About 80% of your life is predetermined via soul contracts, lessons, etc. You could change your mind, or other people or a person that will influence an outcome can change your mind. What we can’t change are the lessons we came here to learn. Those are fixed.

How often can I receive a reading and/or open my Records?

The simple answer is; as often as you’d like! Consider this a spiritual practice, the frequency of which depends on what you may be dealing with in your life. Many people (myself included) use the Records as a form of modern-day therapy, consulting their spiritual team of angels, ancestors, and spirit guides to aid in a more gentle transition through challenging times. Think of it as a form of spiritual mentoring and coaching to gain insight and direction toward setting goals and achieving milestones. How you use the Records is up to you!

Do you have sample questions? Will you help me ask the right questions?

Of course! Below is a wonderful list to help get you started and in the right direction. And by the way, there are no “wrong” questions but it helps to word them in a way to get to the answers your soul is searching for.

Remember that time as we know it does not exist in the realm of Akashic Records. Time is a human and Earthly concept. Do not expect specific time frames for responses. If they tell you “soon” — that could mean six weeks or six months. “Soon” is a relative answer when your soul is hundreds or thousands of years old.

If you ask about a loved one who has passed away and is on the “other side” — your response may be given in the present tense because even though their Earthly body is gone, their energy is still here and guiding you.

That being said, ask about things that matter to you. Ask about how you can make improvements to your life, and how you can discover things about yourself and your soul’s evolution. These sorts of questions allow the Akashic Records to provide clarity for your life’s journey. Word to the wise: sometimes it’s not what you want to hear, but it is what you need to hear.

Without further ado, here are some sample questions to inspire you:

  • What do I need to know right now?

  • What is one of my greatest lessons in this life?

  • How can I develop my gifts?

  • Why am I afraid of _______?

  • What lessons am I repeating from my past lives? OR: What emotional trauma or karma am I carrying from a past life?

  • What is my spirit animal?

  • What is/was the purpose of the soul contract between me and _______ (partner, family member, a pet, etc.)?

  • Why do I have _______ health issue(s)?

  • What does my birthmark mean?

  • What was the significance of _______ (a major incident/event in your life)?

  • Why do I have _______ recurring dreams/nightmares?

  • What behaviors / beliefs do I have that are self-limiting and how can I release them?

  • How can I connect/communicate with my angels and spirit guides? Do I have more than one?

  • How can I work through my blocks with ________ (abundance, love, etc)?

  • How can I better interpret the message(s) I receive through dreams and other synchronicities?

  • What do I need to know about connecting with my ancestors?

  • How do I become more in touch with my Divine Feminine / Divine Masculine?

  • How can I surrender to _________?

  • How can I be more aligned with my path or journey in this lifetime/right now?

  • Why is it hard for me to forgive ________?

  • What are my next steps?

  • How will I know when ________?

Please have your questions ready before you purchase your reading. You will need to email them to me as soon as you make your purchase if you want your reading to be completed in a timely manner. If you need guidance, feel free to email me ahead of time! I want you to get the best experience possible and to walk away with clarity.

If you are ready for your reading, head over to the Store to complete your purchase.