About Reiki Sessions

How do I know if I need Reiki?

The wonderful thing about Reiki is that you do not have to be “ill” to experience the amazing benefits. I give myself Reiki every day to keep my body strong and my energy balanced.

Reiki, unlike many modern-day remedies, works directly on restoring balance on ALL levels (physically, mentally, and emotionally) and works directly with the origin of the problem and condition instead of just masking or relieving symptoms.

Reiki dissolves energy blocks and promotes a natural balance between mind, body, and spirit.

It can increase energy levels;

create deep relaxation and help the body release stress and tension;

clear the mind and improve focus;

alleviate anxiety and depression;

accelerate the body's self-healing ability;

aid in better sleep;

reduce blood pressure;

help relieve pain;

assist the body in cleansing itself of toxins;

support the immune system;

help spiritual growth and intuitive gifts;

aid in releasing stored emotions;

promote creativity;

and complement medical treatment.

What is a Reiki session like?

Reiki feels very warm, relaxing, and nurturing to the soul. Some people say they feel like they are floating or temporarily leaving the body, but each experience is different and unique. A client told me once that it felt like “a massage for the brain” — and I have to say that’s pretty accurate!

All of my Reiki sessions begin with a consultation to share concerns and talk about the goals of your session.  Depending on the session you select, consultation time will vary. I start your session with a chakra reading to see what is blocked or out of balance so I can tailor your session appropriately. You may feel the warmth from my hands, sometimes a slight tingling, and a deep sense of relaxation throughout the body. I will check in with you after the session and give you the opportunity to share your experience. When you receive Reiki energy by having a session, Reiki will remain in your aura for some time, supporting you energetically. 

How often should I book a Reiki session?

When I was receiving Reiki as a client back in 2018, I initially booked a 90-minute session and then booked a 60-minute session about every 8 weeks. The consistency of the sessions really helped to alleviate my anxiety and depression (along with starting a meditation practice). At a minimum, I recommend having a Reiki session once or twice a year. If possible, the ideal Reiki maintenance routine would be once every six to eight weeks if you know you have several blocked chakras, are working through emotional issues (like anxiety, depression, or grief), and/or any sort of stored trauma (which is most of us since 2020). You can never receive “too much” Reiki. Your body will always direct the energy and use it the best way it knows how. It’s very intuitive and you never have to worry about "too much.”

For additional info or questions, I encourage you to visit the Reiki page to learn more about Reiki, chakras, and the healing process!

To learn more about me and my journey with Reiki and using it as a tool to combat anxiety and depression, visit the About Us page.

Paperwork for your initial session can be found in the menu bar above or I can email it to you.

Standard (Virtual) Reiki

60 minutes | $65 - existing client

75 minutes | $80 - new client


We will start with a brief phone consultation followed by the Reiki healing portion. Please make sure you have at least 60 minutes of uninterrupted quiet time to get the maximum benefit. I will call when the session is over to let you know what chakras were blocked, major imbalances I picked up on, and any “homework” I recommend for you to continue the healing process.

Book your appointment at the bottom of this page.

Intensive Session


90 minutes | $100


This session will include all of the wonderful benefits of a 60-minute session with even more emphasis on the duration of the emotional healing portion of the appointment (unless otherwise noted).

**If you identify as an Empath or Highly Sensitive Person and/or have a problem maintaining your energetic boundaries with people or your environment, you may want to start with this session until significant progress is made. This session is also recommended if you’ve experienced numerous traumatic events throughout life without having any emotional outlet to release.

Book your appointment at the bottom of this page.

Children’s Reiki


Newborn through age 12
30 minutes | $30


Due to the highly sensitive and vulnerable state of children, they can also have energy blockages from mismanaged emotions. We will start with a brief consultation about the main concerns and then proceed with Reiki. Typically I will test the chakras but it’s not always necessary. Depending on the age, children typically only need about 15-20 minutes of Reiki to benefit and feel differences.

Book your appointment at the bottom of this page.

Personalized Crystal Consultation

45 minutes | $40


Unlock the power of crystal energy in your daily life! During this one-on-one session, we’ll explore how crystals can enhance your energy, emotions, and support your chakras. You'll learn how to properly care for your crystals, discover their many versatile uses, and understand how to responsibly source them for maximum benefit. Plus, you'll receive a detailed handout/workbook to keep, so you can confidently integrate this earth energy into your wellness routine.

Book your appointment at the bottom of this page.

NEW! Spiritual Coaching

Starting October 2024

60 minutes | $60


Spiritual coaching helps deepen your connection to your spiritual path and higher self. These sessions focus on helping you discover your inner wisdom, work through spiritual challenges, and integrate spiritual practices into their daily lives. Examples of this might be:

  • Self-discovery: Helping you explore beliefs and align with your spiritual truths.

  • Soul alignment: Offering guidance on how to live authentically and with purpose.

  • Tools and practices: Teaching you to work with meditations, rituals, energy healing (like Reiki), and connecting to higher guidance, such as your spirit guides or the Akashic Records.

  • Life transitions: Helping you navigate difficult times, such as grief or spiritual/kudalini awakenings, with compassion and spiritual insight.

Book your appointment at the bottom of this page.

NEW! Intuitive Development Coaching

Starting October 2024

60 minutes | $60


Intuitive development coaching empowers you to strengthen your intuition and trust your inner knowing. This is ideal for those who want to become more attuned to their spiritual gifts, such as psychic abilities, clairvoyance, or empathic sensitivities. We’ll cover topics like:

  • Recognizing intuitive messages: Helping you to identify how your intuition communicates (through feelings, visions, or gut instincts).

  • Exercises to strengthen intuition: Teaching visualization exercises, energy-clearing techniques, or intuitive journaling to enhance your natural abilities.

  • Applying intuition in daily life: Helping you integrate intuition into decisions regarding relationships, careers, or life goals.

Book your appointment at the bottom of this page.

Energy Management Coaching

45 minutes | $40


Are you an Empath or a Highly Sensitive Person seeking more control over your energy? This transformative coaching will empower you to understand and master your energy flow.

We’ll dive into the vibrational scale of emotions, discover powerful grounding techniques, learn how food and drink impact your energy, set strong personal boundaries, and explore how emotions are stored in the body.

Gain the tools to protect your energy, feel more balanced, and live with greater clarity and confidence.

Book your appointment at the bottom of this page.

Akashic Records Reading

$22, $77, or $155 depending on length

This service is via email (no appointment needed) and can be purchased in the Store.


Do you wonder why you’re here or what your purpose is in this life? Have you ever wondered about your past lives? Do you seem to attract the same kind of romantic partners over and over? If you could get guidance from the divine realm and your spiritual team about important decisions in life, would you?

The Akashic Records are here to give you guidance and it’s a glimpse into the encyclopedia of your soul’s lives. (The iCloud of your Soul, if you will.) Knowledge of what’s kept in your Records can help you to heal deep, emotional trauma and many other things. It can also tell you about soulmates. It can help to explain seemingly irrational thought patterns or behaviors. Why? This is because our fears, insecurities, and limiting beliefs are a reflection of the various experiences your soul has been through — whether it be in this life or other lives. (Sometimes just being able to know WHY something happened is half the battle of healing the issue.)

This kind of information and more can be accessed and discovered through your Akashic Records. If you are ready to break a cycle, align with finding your soulmate, or know if you’re on the right path, an Akashic Records reading can help.


Reiki-infused Guided Meditation Sessions

30 minutes | $25

(via Zoom)

You can add this to a private workshop/coaching session or make it a stand-alone appointment.

Can also be offered in a group setting — email for further details.


These sessions will provide amazing healing energy and relaxation similar to a standard Reiki session, but more on a subconscious level. (It’s like dipping your toe into the waters of energy healing and meditation simultaneously.)

These are perfect for:

  • a tune-up in between your Reiki sessions

  • trying out Reiki energy for the first time

  • if you like meditation but want to try something new and different

  • if you know you need some Reiki but can’t afford a standard session right now

There are four themes to choose from:

Meditation #1

Great for beginners. Also recommended for those that have trouble healing the heart chakra or solar plexus and need extra assistance with self-love, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance.

During this meditation, Reiki-inspired love is installed more clearly and deeply into one's soul. Divine love is a special kind of love that is more highly refined and has a higher level of consciousness than human love — very similar to unconditional love. It is a feeling of being safe. It is a healing and enhancement of your own ability to love so that there are no unhealthy feelings associated with it. It is a love that you have for yourself (and others) that feels very natural and normal. It is an energy similar to the life energy that flows throughout your body and entire being and is part of who you are. It can be present in your space without having to have someone or something as its focus. It soothes, relaxes, nurtures, and heals very deeply.

Meditation #2

For any persistent chakra blockages.

In this Experience, Reiki consciousness scans the soul's timeline in this life to find the most important experience that needs healing to improve the person's health and well-being. This could be a physical injury, or it could also be emotional or psychological trauma. It then works with the aspects of the personality and the energies involved to heal the issue.

Meditation #3

Especially helpful for those that have unconscious resistance to healing the sacral chakra.

With this meditation, Reiki takes the person back to the time of conception, gestation, birth, and post-birth. The purpose of this experience is to heal everything needing healing from the time of conception to post-birth. This can include things that were going on between and with the parents, ancestral issues, experiences in the womb, and birth trauma. (Sometimes the person is aware of what has happened and sometimes they may not know what specifically has healed but that it was something meaningful.)

Meditation #4

For deep, subconscious healing and increasing self-awareness.

During this Experience, the consciousness within Reiki will evaluate where the person is at and provide the type of energy and experience that is appropriate to heal or to take each to the next level of their development as a student on the spiritual path and/or as a healer. The energy will work deeply within the subconscious mind of each participant. Because of this, some individuals may simply feel calm and relaxed. And others may see colors or feel the energy flowing through them or have some other inner experiences. However, it is important to know that the most important effects take place below the person's level of awareness and then rise slowly to the level of the person's conscious mind. Because of this, the individual may not be aware of the full effect of what has happened until hours or days after the experience is over.

All experiences are unique to the individual.

Wellness Workshops, Private Parties and Gatherings

Email for details


Put a new spin on your next ladies’ night, women’s wellness circle, group retreat, (or whatever event you have planned!) by incorporating mini-Reiki sessions, tarot/oracle readings, chakra workshops, guided meditations, or any combination of those services.

Some examples for a group of five might be:

Tarot/Oracle readings:  $20/person (1.5 hours total) 

Group guided meditation (I send over a list of themes/topics) + Tarot/Oracle Readings:  $45/person  (2 hours total)

Chakra readings + 15-min Reiki + Tarot/Oracle Readings: $55/person (3 hours total)

The combinations are endless and I love to do private events and speaking engagements. Let me know how I can be a part of your next event!